“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
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Press release 21 January 2021

Ambassador Faig Guliyev visited the "Martyr" monument erected in memory of the victims of January 20 and April 9 in Yormuganli village of Sagarejo region

The ceremony was attended by embassy staff, chairman of the board of the Union of Azerbaijani Businessmen in Georgia (AZEBI) Nariman Gurbanov, relatives and intellectuals of the martyr of January 20 from this village Alasgar Gayibov.

Carnations were laid in front of the memorial, the memory of the martyrs for the independence of Azerbaijan and Georgia was honored, prayers were said for their souls.

The ambassador spoke about the causes and consequences of the January 20 events. He said that the martyrs who died for the Motherland are commemorated in Georgia every year. There are initiatives to perpetuate the memory of six Azerbaijani martyrs from Georgia, to collect information about them and publish it in Georgian. These initiatives will be discussed and a decision will be made.

"Although January 20 is a bloody date, it is a heroic page in the history of Azerbaijan. It is very important to pass this history on to future generations and the Georgian public, "the ambassador said.

Ali Babayev, a witness to the bloody January tragedy and chairman of the National Congress of Azerbaijanis in Georgia, spoke about the importance of our people's struggle for freedom. He said that the martyrs laid the foundation of the independence of the Azerbaijani people. They have written a bright page in the heroic history of our people with their blood.

He said the martyrs were immortal and would live forever in the hearts of every Azerbaijani.

Later, the Ambassador and his entourage visited the relatives of Alasgar Gayibov and inquired about their care.

During the conversation, proposals were discussed to perpetuate the memory of the village where the martyr was born.

The relatives of the martyr thanked the Azerbaijani government and the Ambassador for the attention and care.

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