“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
The procedure for determining citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The procedure for determining citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Citizens who do not have relevant valid documents confirming their identity must submit the following documents to the Consular section of the Embassy in order to determine their citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

  1. Application (word) (PDF)
  2. Two photos (3x4 cm)
  3. Copy of passport or other identity document (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information). Note: Only those with a birth certificate must also submit a copy of their parents' documents (passport or identity card). Attention! If the submitted document is issued by the relevant institution of another foreign country (for example, a birth certificate issued by the relevant institution of Georgia), a notarized translation of that document into the Azerbaijani language must be submitted as well;
  4. Receipt proving the payment of the state fee in the amount of 10 US Dollars. Payment is made after submission and review of documents.
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