“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”

Sosial Media Lenti

RT @MDDTAzerbaijan: Tbilisi şəhərində Azərbaycan, Türkiyə və Gürcüstanın nəqliyyat sahəsi üzrə məsul nazirlərinin üçtərəfli görüşü keçirili…
RT @AzerbaijanMFA: Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin nazir Ceyhun Bayramovun Türkiyə Respublikas…
RT @Azerbaijan: Enjoy one of the magnificent #Azerbaijan|i folk dances demonstrating national elements, values of 🇦🇿 - #NazEləmə performanc…
RT @AzerbaijanMFA: Qardaş #Türkiye'nin #Gaziantep şəhərində ağır yol-nəqliyyat qəzasında həyatını itirənlərə Allahdan rəhmət, yaralılara şə…
RT @AzerbaijanMFA: Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin rəisi L.Abdullayeva KİV-in sualını cavablan…
RT @AzerbaijanMFA: Head of the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdullayeva…
RT @Azerbaijan: On the 190th Anniversary of prominent public figure, poetess, Daughter of Khan Khurshidbanu Natavan who was born in 1832 in…
RT @LAbdullayevaMFA: Have a look what’s is left in #Lachin city, #Zabukh & #Sus villages while the illegal Armenian settlers leave the area…
RT @Azerbaijan: '#OTD we celebrate #InternationalYouthDay. Young people across 🌎 are drivers of #innovation & #creativity. Let's celebrat…
RT @Azerbaijan: August 12 is marked as #CaspianDay in #Azerbaijan. #OTD the Framework Convention for Protection of Marine Environment of C…
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Gürcüstandakı səfiri Faiq Quliyev Macarıstanın Gürcüstandakı səfiri Anna Mariya Siko ilə görüşüb https://t.co/30OEKtIXqy
RT @Azerbaijan: In a match against #Ferencvaros in #Budapest @FKQarabaghEN won with a score of 1️⃣-3️⃣ 🙌 FC Qarabagh is now in the Champi…
RT @TvIctimai: Ceyhun Bayramov: "Biz iradəmizi ortaya qoymuşuq və qarşı tərəfdən adekvat addım gözləyirik" https://t.co/Z2GeKdLg0h
RT @MevlutCavusoglu: Can #Azerbaycan’ın Dışişleri Bakanı kardeşim @bayramov_jeyhun'u Büyükelçiler Konferansı’nda ağırladık. Müttefikliği…
RT @HikmetHajiyev: The Times reportage by Robert Seely in May 1992 on illegal occupation, burning and plundering of Lachin/Zabukh village b…

We cordially congratulate Ukraine on the #NationalDay and extend our best wishes for the country's future #peace and #prosperity on this joyous occasion. Happy National Day, #Ukraine! 🇦🇿🇺🇦 @MFA_Ukraine https://t.co/polcPQSxti
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin nazir Ceyhun Bayramovun Türkiyə Respublikasının xarici işlər naziri Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu ilə telefon danışığına dair məlumatı ⬇️ https://t.co/O3utSWoAS8 https://t.co/TdCyZvFZo8
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin Tunisin Qabes şəhəri yaxınlığında qəzaya uğrayan gəminin heyətinin Azərbaycanlı üzvlərinin azad olunmasına dair məlumatı ⬇️ https://t.co/JCD5UiJBy0
Hal-hazırda: #Azərbaycan & #Serbiya arasında diplomatik münasibətlərin qurulmasının 25 illiyinə həsr olunmuş tədbir başladı. 🇦🇿🇷🇸 Happening now: Exhibition dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations btw #Azerbaijan & #Serbia has started. https://t.co/MWJq6VKJVg
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin Azərbaycan Respublikası və Serbiya Respublikası arasında diplomatik münasibətlərin qurulmasının 25-ci ildönümü münasibətilə keçirilən tədbir və sərgiyə dair məlumatı ⬇️ https://t.co/jwEYTzL0ZU https://t.co/Ier56WQPGi
RT @MFASerbia: Warmest congratulations on the occasion of a significant jubilee - the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic r…
Today marks the 2⃣5⃣th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between #Azerbaijan & #Serbia. We send our best wishes to the Government & People of the Republic of Serbia on this occasion. Looking forward to further development of 🇦🇿🇷🇸 cooperation. @MFASerbia https://t.co/AeBbK53by3
Qardaş #Türkiye'nin #Gaziantep şəhərində ağır yol-nəqliyyat qəzasında həyatını itirənlərə Allahdan rəhmət, yaralılara şəfa diləyirik. Başımız sağolsun. #BirMilletİkiDevlet 🇦🇿🇹🇷 @TC_Disisleri @MFATurkiye https://t.co/7epY7hEkJK
We offer heartfelt condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and suffered by the devastating wildfires in #Algeria. We express our solidarity with the government & people of 🇩🇿. @Algeria_MFA @algeriabaku
#Azərbaycan sərhədçilərini Dövlət Sərhəd Xidməti əməkdaşlarının peşə bayramı münasibətilə ürəkdən təbrik edir, şərəfli & məsuliyyətli işlərində uğurlar arzulayırıq! 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿 18 avqust - #SərhədQoşunlarıGünü|müz mübarək! 🇦🇿 18 August - Happy #BorderGuards Day! 🇦🇿 https://t.co/ikY7K7DhTd
On the occasion of the #NationalDay of the Republic of Indonesia, we express our best wishes & sincere congratulations to the Government and People of #Indonesia. Happy National Day, Indonesia! 🇦🇿🇮🇩 https://t.co/LzcgXBp78U
Head of the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdullayeva responds to the media's question. ⬇️ https://t.co/9JdcmkFnei
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin rəisi L.Abdullayeva KİV-in sualını cavablandırır ⬇️ https://t.co/k81lBhgnDX
We express heartfelt condolences over many lives lost in fire incident at the #AbuSefein #CopticChurch in #Cairo, #Egypt. We wish quick recovery to the injured. @Egyptmfa
We cordially extend our warmest wishes for success and prosperity to brotherly Islamic Republic of Pakistan on their #IndependenceDay & express our sincere congratulations on this special day. Happy #IndependenceDay, #Pakistan! 🇦🇿🇵🇰 https://t.co/hil4No7GY7
Had a fruitful exchange with Foreign Minister of brotherly #Türkiye @MevlutCavusoglu over the phone. We discussed current regional situation, issues of the 🇦🇿🇹🇷 strategic alliance, plans related to @Turkic_States, & further expanding cooperation within multilateral platforms. https://t.co/IpJA2gRrlt
Mutually beneficial cooperation between #Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 & #Algeria 🇩🇿 both at bilateral and multilateral formats, perspectives of relationships & regional issues were discussed w/ Minister of Foreign Affairs & National Community Abroad, special envoy of the President @Lamamra_dz. https://t.co/J4D0tJqI7Y
Delighted to deliver a speech at the 13th Ambassadors Conference in #Ankara #BKONXIII. #Azerbaijan & #Türkiye, as allies, will continue to contribute to the establishment of peace, security, and prosperity in the global arena as reliable and proactive actors 🇦🇿🇹🇷 @MFATurkiye https://t.co/MDeWm2izlz
Thankful to colleague from #Georgia @iliadarch for expressing solidarity and support over phone conversation on the unprecedented attack by radicals to the Embassy of #Azerbaijan in London. https://t.co/9PywvhD4Yh
Had a phone conversation with FM @MevlutCavusoglu of brotherly #Türkiye. I thank Minister for the strong support, and condemnation of the violent attack of radical religious groups against the @AzerbaijaninUK. 🇦🇿 🇹🇷 https://t.co/sBBIKjFv5x
Today I received the copy of the credentials of newly appointed Ambassador of brotherly #Turkmenistan to #Azerbaijan Gurbanmammet Elyasov. I am confident that the 🇦🇿-🇹🇲 strategic partnership will continue to develop and serve the prosperity of our nations and countries. https://t.co/q6zWSNSjiD
Just spoke with @ToivoKlaar, #EU Special Rep. for the South Caucasus. Discussed latest escalation of tensions as a result of provocations by 🇦🇲. Stressed the importance of full implementation of Trilateral Statements, esp. full withdrawal of #Armenian mil. detachments from 🇦🇿. https://t.co/WwYUpWftfj
Participating at the 1st Trilateral Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Trade/Economy & Transport of #Azerbaijan, #Türkiye, #Uzbekistan in Tashkent with colleagues @MikayilJabbarov & @RashadNNabiyev. Identifying further ways to reinforce 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿 brotherhood & partnership. https://t.co/7yQQUIXITK
We’re thankful to President of #Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev for a cordial & fruitful meeting in the margins of 1st Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Economy & Transport of 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿. Great hospitality, excellent organization & huge potential for cooperation. https://t.co/J9s02pKyXl
“In times of growing challenges to global security, stability & economic development, this new trilateral 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿 platform fits into existing efforts to develop regional cooperation & to address our countries’ shared interests in #peace, #security & #prosperity.” https://t.co/VvA6PAeDmT
Had a phone conversation with 🇺🇸 A/S @KDonfried @StateEUR. We discussed the latest efforts in #Azerbaijan-#Armenia normalization.I stressed the importance of implementation of commitments by Armenia within the 3lateral statements, especially of full withdrawal of Armenian forces. https://t.co/wXiZjp1scx
The news on border police helicopter crash in the Gudauri resort area of #Georgia deeply saddened us. We express our heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and People of friendly Georgia. #Azerbaijan stands by Georgia in this difficult time. 🇦🇿🇬🇪 @iliadarch
Today I received the copy of the credentials of newly appointed Ambassador of #Slovakia to #Azerbaijan Milan Lajcak. We highlighted the importance of further developing bilateral relations between 🇦🇿 and 🇸🇰. I wish him all the best in the accomplishment of his important mission. https://t.co/zajl0X6FaZ
“The power of youth is a precious asset for the entire world. In #Azerbaijan, we care deeply about youth, their empowerment & future. This is one of the key reasons why, as an incumbent Chairmanship of NAM 🇦🇿 materialised the idea to establish the NAM Youth Network” #NAMYS2002 https://t.co/Fx803biNmh
Comprehensive exchange of views took place in a meeting w/ the assistant to Foreign Minister of #Egypt Ihab Talaat Nasr. We discussed perspectives of bilateral 🇦🇿🇪🇬 relations, regional situation, as well as international security issues of mutual interest & concern. https://t.co/htwjASVLqc

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