“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
General information

A return certificate - is an official document confirming an identity of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a stateless person permanently residing on a legal basis in the Republic of Azerbaijan.


According to Article 10 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and in accordance with the "Regulations on Issuance of Certificate of Return to the Republic of Azerbaijan":


  • lost passport in a foreign country;

  • Passport is stolen or damaged;

  • Citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan whose passport is expired and citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who is back to the Republic of Azerbaijan together with him and who has not reached the age of 18 and or who reached the age of 18 in the foreign country, as well as a stateless person permanently residing permanently on the legal basis in the Republic of Azerbaijan and is back to the Republic of Azerbaijan at the age of 18 or having a permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan who reached the age of 18 shall be entitled to return to the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of a certificate of return to the Republic of Azerbaijan.


The procedure for issuing a certificate of return to the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be regulated by the "Regulations on Issuance of a Return Certificate to the Republic of Azerbaijan".


The certificate of return to the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be issued by embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad. Provision of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or passport of a stateless person permanently residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan who has lost his passport in foreign countries without a diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan, whose passport has been stolen or has become unfit for use has been received by the relevant executive authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan are realized through the diplomatic representation or consulate of another state represented by bilateral or multilateral international treaties.


There are two types of certificates of return to the Republic of Azerbaijan:


  • Certificate of return for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AA) (Appendix No. 1);

  • Certificate of return (AB series), intended for stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Annex 2).


Responsibilities and restrictions established by the legislation:


After submitting the documents specified in the legislation by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or stateless person permanently living in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the certificate is issued within 3 calendar days from the date of registration of the application.


The issuance of certificates of return is carried out through “entry-exit and registration” the interagency automated information retrieval system.


A certificate is issued to a stateless person permanently residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan with the consent of the relevant executive authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


A citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or a stateless person permanently residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan who returned on the basis of a return certificate to the Republic of Azerbaijan shall submit a Return Certificate within 20 days from the date of return to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the relevant state body of the Republic of Azerbaijan issuing the passport.


If the person applying for a return certificate to the Republic of Azerbaijan himself/herself, as well as the one who returns to the Republic of Azerbaijan with him/her and has not reached the age of 18 or who has reached the age of 18 in the foreign country provides incorrect information intentionally, he shall be denied the right to issue a Certificate and there shall be a written response is presented about it. In case of refusal to issue a certificate, a person may file a complaint in accordance with the procedure established by legislation.


In contravention of the Regulation, persons guilty for unreasonable refusal to issue a Certificate with the requirements of the Regulation, in requesting or issuing additional documents not intended for issuance of a Certificate shall be liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan, for unreasonable refusal from the issuance of a certificate of return to the Republic of Azerbaijan, requesting additional documents not provided for by legislation, or in case of delay in its issuance shall be punished by the amount of five hundred to eight hundred AZN.


Attention to citizens visiting foreign countries!


In case if a foreign passport is stolen or lost, our embassies and consulates are recommended to take a copy of a passport and identity card of a citizen before visiting a foreign country to ensure operational efficiency in to figure out his identity affiliation and citizenship before traveling abroad.


A citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan residing permanently or temporarily abroad is recommended to apply for consular registration in the embassy or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad (or in the nearest country).

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